Thor Heyerdahl
The man who never saw borders
His wisdom and courage would forge, in 1947, the formidable Kon-Tiki expedition. He wanted to demonstrate that the first settlers of Polynesia could have arrived from South America on log rafts.
The film of the Kon-Tiki expedition won the Oscar for best documentary feature (1951)
archaeological expeditions
to the Galapagos Islands, Easter Island, the Maldives and Túcume (Peru). In 1990 he focussed his attention on studying the abandoned Pyramids of Güímar, research that demonstrated the astronomical orientation of the pyramid complex. Finally, in 1994, he settled in Tenerife. He died in Colla Micheri (Italy) on the 18th of April 2002.HELLO! DO YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS ABOUT PIRÁMIDES DE GÜÍMAR?
Some frequently asked questions...
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Who was Thor Heyerdahl and what was his relationship with the park?
Thor Heyerdahl was a renowned Norwegian explorer and anthropologist who founded the Ethnographic Park Pirámides de Güímar in 1998. Heyerdahl played a crucial role in preserving the pyramids and promoting their scientific study.
Does the park have any exhibition dedicated to Thor Heyerdahl?
Yes, the park has an exhibition dedicated to Thor Heyerdahl, where visitors can learn about his life, explorations, and work on the Güímar pyramids.