General purchase conditions

The purchases made by users through our website (“Website”) are governed by the conditions (“The Conditions”) described below. The purchase of services (“Services”) through implies the full and unreserved acceptance by the user of the following purchase conditions. These Conditions do not cover the sale of our services by third parties outside the Website.

Information about the provider of Information Society services, owner of the website:



S.A.U. C.I.F.:



Calle Chacona, Sn  , 38500 – Guimar 




Please read these Conditions carefully before placing an order for any “Services” on our “Website”. If you do not accept these Conditions, you will not be able to place an order for any service on our Website. You can print a copy of these Conditions for future reference.

1. Information about services and modification of offers

PARQUE ETNOGRAFICO PIRAMIDES DE GUIMAR, S.A.U can modify at any time the conditions or offers published on its website (prices, products, promotions, and other commercial and service conditions). But the modifications will not affect in any case the purchases already made by our users. Special offers, promotions, or discounts will be valid until the indicated date or until the end of the indicated stock number. As well as the prices indicated at the time of consulting the website.

2. How can I buy on the website?

The purchase of our services by the user is made and perfected by following the purchase procedure described in this section. By purchasing our services, you agree that communications with PARQUE ETNOGRAFICO PIRAMIDES DE GUIMAR, S.A.U will be mainly by electronic means.

To proceed with a purchase on our website, you just need to follow these steps:

  1. To proceed with the purchase of our services, you must add what interests you to your “shopping cart”.
  2. Once you have filled your cart with all the services you want to buy, the purchase is completed.
  3. To close the purchase with PARQUE ETNOGRAFICO PIRAMIDES DE GUIMAR, S.A.U you have to complete the purchase and proceed to pay the amount through the payment gateway.
  4. The purchase will be perfected at the moment the user receives by email the order confirmation, which will detail the service purchased and the present conditions.

3. Price of services. Taxes and customs

The price indicated at all times next to our services includes IGIC. If there is a typographical error in any of the prices shown and if any user had made a purchase decision based on that error, we will inform the user of this incident immediately and the user will have the right to rescind their purchase at no cost.

4. Payment method

4.a) What payment methods can I use?

The amount for our services can be made through the following ways included in this section: Visa, Mastercard, or Bizum.

4.b) Is the card payment system secure?

This system is completely confidential and secure, and the data cannot be seen by third parties. PARQUE ETNOGRAFICO PIRAMIDES DE GUIMAR, S.A.U does not store payment data made by its users. The information will be provided directly to the payment platform of the banking entity.

5. What are the invoices like?

The user agrees that the purchase invoices will be issued electronically and sent by email. You can request a paper copy of the invoice by sending an email to

6. Return

6.a) What is the deadline to withdraw from the purchase or decide to return my purchase?

The user will have a period of fourteen calendar days to decide to return the “Service” from the date of receipt of the purchase confirmation. However, the customer will bear the bank charges that may arise due to the return of the purchase.

6.b) How can I withdraw from the purchase made?

If you wish to withdraw from the purchase, you must inform us of your decision to withdraw from the contract through an unequivocal statement by postal mail to PARQUE ETNOGRAFICO PIRAMIDES DE GUIMAR, S.A.U at the following address: Calle Chacona, Sn, 38500 – Guimar; or by email to

You may use the withdrawal form model that we include below for this purpose, although its use is not mandatory, any communication informing us of your exercise of the right of withdrawal before the corresponding deadline will suffice.

6.c) How is the refund made?

PARQUE ETNOGRAFICO PIRAMIDES DE GUIMAR, S.A.U will refund the amount of the contracted service using the same means of payment used by you at the time of purchase, unless you have expressly stated otherwise.

7. Legal warranty

The products or services or digital content sold by PARQUE ETNOGRAFICO PIRAMIDES DE GUIMAR, S.A.U are covered by the legal warranty from the delivery of the new products or services or digital content by the seller, in accordance with the consumer and user regulations.

The legal warranty will be covered as follows:

Services or digital content: 2 years.

We do not cover defects caused by misuse, negligence, or improper handling. The “Products” or “services or digital content” sold on our Website are intended solely for the use described in the specifications of each product, service, or digital content.

8. Data protection policy

PARQUE ETNOGRAFICO PIRAMIDES DE GUIMAR, S.A.U is committed to complying with the current legislation on the processing of personal data.

You can access more information in our Privacy Policy.

9. Complaints and consumer and user service

If you are not satisfied with your service, please let us know at the following address: PARQUE ETNOGRAFICO PIRAMIDES DE GUIMAR, S.A.U, located at Calle Chacona, Sn, 38500 – Guimar (Spain) or at the following email

In addition, we have official complaint forms available to our customers and users. You can request them by calling 922514510.

10. Force Majeure

PARQUE ETNOGRAFICO PIRAMIDES DE GUIMAR, S.A.U will not be liable for any failure or delay in the performance of any of our obligations when it is due to events that are beyond our reasonable control (“Force Majeure”).

Force Majeure causes will include any act, event, lack of exercise, omission, or accident that is beyond our reasonable control, such as a) Strikes, lockouts, or other industrial action; b) Civil commotion, riot, invasion, terrorist threat or attack, war (declared or not) or threat or preparation for war; c) Fire, explosion, storm, flood, earthquake, subsidence, epidemic or any other natural disaster; d) Impossibility of the use of transportation; Impossibility of the use of telecommunications systems; and e) Acts, decrees, legislation, regulations, or restrictions of any government.

Obligations derived from these terms will be suspended during the period of the Force Majeure event, and the term to fulfill these obligations will be extended for a period equal to the duration of the Force Majeure event. We will use all reasonable means to end the Force Majeure event or to find a solution that allows us to fulfill our obligations despite the Force Majeure event.

11. Partial Nullity

If any of these General Terms and Conditions is declared null and void by a final decision issued by a competent authority, the remaining terms and conditions will remain in force, unaffected by such declaration of nullity.

12. Applicable Law and Jurisdiction

Contracts for the purchase of services through our Website and any disputes or claims arising from or related to them or their subject matter or formation (including non-contractual disputes or claims) will be governed by Spanish law.

Any dispute arising from or related to the use of the website or such services will be subject to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the Spanish courts and tribunals of the province of Santa Cruz de Tenerife.

If you are contracting as a consumer, nothing in this clause will affect the rights you are recognized with under current legislation, and you may choose to file a claim to assert your rights in relation to these Terms before the Judge or Courts corresponding to your domicile.

13. Online Dispute Resolution Platform

In compliance with the obligation to inform consumers established in Art. 14 of Regulation (EU) 524/2013 on Online Dispute Resolution in Consumer Matters, PARQUE ETNOGRAFICO PIRAMIDES DE GUIMAR, S.A.U informs you that the European Commission provides an online dispute resolution platform available at the following link:, where you can submit your claims to seek an out-of-court solution if you reside in the EU.

14. Notifications

Occasionally, PARQUE ETNOGRAFICO PIRAMIDES DE GUIMAR, S.A.U may use your personal data to send you notifications via email. Such notifications will be made to inform you about changes in our services.

15. Quality Commitment to Our Users. Comments and Suggestions

The customer should keep in mind that at PARQUE ETNOGRAFICO PIRAMIDES DE GUIMAR, S.A.U, we offer a human team that is ready to assist you personally. Our goal is the satisfaction of our customers with our services and to achieve the highest standards of quality.

Your comments and suggestions are welcome. You can contact us via email at or by phone at 922514510

Date: 08/05/24

Version: V.2.0

Withdrawal Form (only complete and send if you wish to withdraw from the purchase)

Calle Chacona, Sn  , 38500 – Guimar

I hereby notify you that I withdraw from the sales contract for the following services:
Order number:
Received on date:
Name(s) of consumer(s) and user(s):
Address(es) of consumer(s) and user(s):
Signature of consumer and user or consumers and users (only if this form is submitted on paper)